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The Care Provider's Blog

A Wingspan of Kindness

Sunset on a Lonely Road

There may be moments, thoughts begin to strangle your beliefs regarding the meaning of your life. Puzzled thinking may have crept in to dim the worth you felt.

It is not something found or earned, but it is innate, specifically created within you to be caring, a provider.

Each of us care givers, are remarkably and wonderfully kind.

There is no need to prove ourselves or earn our worth. We already have worth in our in this life, providing for the less fortunate. That realization alone should give us peace as we live out who we are freely.

Rise up and fly

I am accountable to maintain a healthy attitude, standing up against the pressures that come to present myself prepared and ready to share the love of giving.

My spirit screams, “Pick your head up.” Face the hardships, challenges, and trials you are giving hope to others. This is your purpose in this life.

You provide a great measure of comfort. If our mind and body contradict our professed values in helping the enabled persons, strength, and faith fades. Our personhood needs to be free to be the persons we as Care Givers meant to be hope and comfort to the ailing.

Each day, rise, breath and gladly enter your intent to care with a heart of kindness. Be the captain of your ship of humanity and guide yourselves through the various ailing channels of those dependent on you. You will not drift navigating your craft toward those relying on your presence.

We, at Damara's Wings, salute the people who give their heart and compassion to enable the disabled and debilitated to feel someone cares for them, and to know they are not alone.

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